Banner Bild Yoga-Moment: Dein Yogastudio in Kiel für Vinyasa- und Power-Yoga



Katherine, Yogalehrerin vom Yoga-Moment in Kiel, Hot Yoga KielYoga means union, union with your mind, body and breath. To me over the years I have experienced it means to create union with your real self. Through yoga I have had the experience of connecting to my own authenticity which is freeing. Giving up the need to look good or be someone else.

Yoga means acceptance of self, acceptance of life, I can show up on my mat as I am in the moment and move, breath, strengthen, and open up to life as it is and as it is not. Yoga gives me the freedom to shine my light in life, and to see the light in others  it is transformative.



♦ Bikram Teacher Training, ausgebildete Yogalehrerin nach den Yoga Alliance Richtlinien


Yoga-Moment Studios

Holtenauer Str. 146
24105 Kiel

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Holzkoppelweg 33 - Eingang J-70
24118 Kiel

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Hot Yoga Kiel
Holtenauer Str. 70 (Eingang beim Parkplatz vom Schlemmer-Markt)
24105 Kiel

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0179 635 64 63

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Drei Yoga-Studios im Zentrum von Kiel in Schleswig-Holstein, in der Holtenauer Straße, Ecke Knooper Weg beim Blücherplatz und im Holzkoppelweg beim Grasweg.

Teilnahmebedingungen AGB

